Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Organic Food – Fish Dishes

Fish is an excellent source of protein, vitamin B, antioxidant selenium and minerals. Oily fish with low in saturated fat, such as salmon, mackerel and tuna also has good source of healthy omega 3 fatty acids which may help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Some oily fish can contain harmful chemicals, such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Dioxins are by-products of certain industrial processes and PCB are pollutants used mainly in the production of electrical equipment. They are no longer permitted in the UK, but may still be present in the environment, including fish. Dioxins and PCBs do not have immediate effect on health, but there is concern that higher than recommended levels in the diet over a long period of time may increase the risk of cancer.

Fortunately, levels of PCBs and dioxins have started falling recently, and supermarkets conduct stringent tests to ensure that the oily fish they sell fall within or below the minimum levels that are acceptable.

Organically Farmed Fish
Organically farmed fish live in pure water and are usually occupying no more than 2% of the water available. When fish are crammed so close, they can be very stressful, and are more susceptible to infections. Therefore, the key to organically farmed fish is freedom of space, which removes the need to suppress disease. So the fish are usually alert and healthy and have a real flavor.

For an example, organically farmed salmon have far more space than regular farmed fish. They live in waters that are carefully monitored for purity and have powerful natural tides to swim against. Organic salmon feed contains far less oil than conventional feed, allowing the fish to put on weight naturally and slowly. Adding crushed prawn shells rather than artificial coloring to their feed gives them their salmon-pink hue. No pesticides or routine antibiotics or medication are used, and the fish are individually culled by hand, which is swifted and less stressful.

Many people find that the organically farmed fish have more flavor and better texture and are less flabby and oily.

Tips for Parents – Benefits of Oily Fish
Many experts now believe that the balance of Omega 6 (found in plant oils) and Omega 3 fatty acids (found in oily fish like mackerel and salmon) in children's diets may be crucial for health. The bulk of children's polyunsaturated fat intake currently comes in the form of Omega 6s. However, experts believe that it's the level of omega 3s that needs to be improved.

Children who had taken part in a few trials of fish oil supplements appear to have better concentration, learning ability and behavior, however more research is needed.

Eating oily fish regularly can help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Try to put oily fish on the menu once or a maximum of twice a week from the age of 9 months.

The current recommendation is at least two portions of fish a week – one of which should be an oily fish. However, it should be noted that there are safety limit on the amount of oily fish one should eat. Boys, men and women who are not going to become pregnant in the near future can eat up to four portions of oily fish a week. Girls, women who may want to have children in the future and breast feeding mum should eat no more than two portions of oily fish a week.

Let's Learn & Experience Organics for Better Personal Health & Our Planet Wellness

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