Thursday, February 14, 2008

Organic for Baby - Baby Organic Wipes

Most commercial baby wipes for your baby's bottom contain alcohol or other chemical ingredients that can irritate a baby's skin. Washable wipe is the best baby wipe for both your baby and the environment.

And of course, not forgetting to get those made from organic undyed cotton. They are usually avaiable in most cloth diaper companies. Just get one or two dozens washable wipes and use them with a home-made wipe solution or water.

Here is one of the effective soothing wipe solution recipes.
  • 3 & ½ tbsp (50ml) distilled water

  • 1 tbsp (15ml) vinegar

  • 2 tbsp (30ml) aloe vera gel (may help to heal minor burns or cut and to soothe sunburn)

  • 1 tbsp (15ml) calendula oil (is gentle, cooling and soothing. It is suitable for babycare oil or lotion. It helps to heal dry and damaged skin, skin inflammations, rashes, diaper irritations, and other skin disorders.)

  • 1 drop lavender essential oil (a relaxing, cooling and healing oil with sweet, floral herbaceous scent)

  • 1 drop tea tree essential oil (is a powerful and healing natural antiseptic, excellent for children's skin and cleaning hands. However, a point to note is that it can be little dry on the skin when use on its own, so don't put too much)

The vinegar and essential oils will act as preservative, so you can store the solution for up to six weeks.

There you have it, a do-it-self natural wipe that is excellent for your baby's skin.

Hope you like it.

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